Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Moon Festival

Yoshi riding a horse at the Moon Festival
Today was the Moon Festival in Taiwan, a national holiday. When I asked the students what it meant, or what the festival was celebrating, some said it was a very old tradition, and one good response was that it was to symbolize renewal. It is definitely a great time for everyone. No school, no work, and lots and lots of eating (and drinking!).
vietnamese delish!
moon cakes

Some necessary components of the Moon Festival:
1. Grapefruit (actually a pommello)

2. Moon cakes (pastry filled with red beans and a hard boiled egg yolk, very good!)
3. A full moon.

4. Barbecue with a big variety of meat and veggies (the grilled fish cake was my favorite, but the beef was very delish also. Notice the great shoes on the girl who is barbecuing!)

Overall, it was a really great night, and a nice way to think about renewal in a positive way in your life. Always a good thing.
Xiexie! (thank you!)


  1. How do you make a fishcake? What a great celebration.

  2. I have no idea, I think add fish bits and flavoring to a glutenous type spongy rice cake. Yummy!
