Friday, September 10, 2010

Preparation for the trip

Memao my lovely cat
In preparing for my trip to Taiwan, I had to get a travel visa from TECO in New York since I will be there longer than 60 days. Their website was pretty helpful, but they ended up calling me to say they raised their fees and I would have to send them more money. Here's what I had to send them:
  • Original passport + 1 copy (make sure passport has at least 6 months left on it before expiring)
  • 2 photos, 2"x2" w/white background (don't smile too much)
  • $140 money order to TECO New York
  • Copy of travel itinerary that shows flight info
  • Letter of invitation from company or school you will be at
  • Current bank statement 
  • SASE for return of your visa
  • A completed application from their website
I've discovered a few "apps" for my Ipod that will be super helpful. Since I won't have phone service in Taiwan, I found an App called Pinger "Textfree", and it allows people to text me from their phones to my Ipod, no roaming fees or international fees! I have to have an internet connection to use it.
Second, I found "GlobeConvert" which converts Taiwan dollars to US dollars. GREAT.
Of course Skype is a good one to make free calls from computer to computer.
I also got a free Alarm Clock app, so I won't have to bring an alarm clock.
That's all the geek-stuff for now. 2 1/2 days left to go!


  1. I see you are a fantastic hoop jumper, Jilly. Great work! I don't even have a passport yet.

  2. Thanks Jod! definitely a bit of work, but it feels good to have it all completed :)
